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Raw committee meeting scheduled for Saturday

Committee Meeting Agenda the meeting is scheduled to startfollowing the lifting completion Saturday August 20th, it's expected to be after 8 PM.

Will the 2011 Raw National have new IPF weight classes?

I have received multiple e-mails regarding whether the Raw Nationals weight classes will change for this August's events. They will NOT change, below are the weight classes for this event.

Weight Classes (Standard Weight Classes):

Men’s: 123, 132, 148, 165, 181, 198, 220, 242, 275, UNL
Women’s: 105, 114, 123, 132, 148, 165, 181, 198, UNL

Sub-Junior Weight Classes:
Men’s: 114, 123, 132, 148, 165, 181, 198, 220, 242, 275, UNL
Women’s: 97, 105, 114, 123, 132, 148, 165, 181, 198, UNL

Youth Weight Classes:
Men’s: 66, 77, 88, 97, 105, 114, 123, 132, 148, 165, 181, 198, 220, 242,
275 & UNL
Women’s: 66, 77, 88, 97, 105, 114, 123, 132, 148, 165, 181, 198 &

Selection of USAPL Teams Entering 2012 IPF Classics Powerlifting World Cup (unequipped)

Selection of USAPL Teams Entering 2012 IPF Classics Powerlifting World Cup (unequipped)


In order to be considered for the USAPL Teams (Men’s and Women’s) for the 2012 IPF Classics Powerlifting World Cup (unequipped) an athlete MUST first meet all of the following criteria:

1. Compete at the 2011 Raw Nationals in Scranton PA 19 – 21 August


Last Chance Quickie Qualifier is set in Scranton August 18th!!

There will be a Last Chance Quickie Qualifier on August 18th in Scranton, Pennsylvania. This event will be hosted by Michael Zawilinski in the warm-up room of the National Championship venue, which is scheduled to begin the very next day. More at event web site!

Applications for Nationals need to be postmarked by July the 18th to avoid a late fee. The meet director has the right to return or reject applications after the entry deadline.

News: 2011 Raw Nationals is Qualifier for IPF Raw World Event!!

The IPF Classic - June 12-17th, 2012 in Sweden

One more reason to come out August 19th-21st, 2011. The USA Powerlifting Raw Nationals is going to be a qualifier for the first IPF Classic, which is the first IPF sanction Raw World event. This is a big step to the movement of Raw and I am very excited about this event.

Check out the IPF Forum for more information related to this event IPF Classic event.


Welcome to the 2011 USA Powerlifting Raw National Championships, hosted in Scranton, Pennsylvania. I would like for you to consider this event being held in North Eastern Pennsylvania.

The Road Starts Here

This event serves as the qualifier for the 2012 NAPF Arnold Sports Festival, which averages over 100,000 spectators yearly and YES Arnold is there.

New this year, this event is a qualifier event for the IPF Classic (Unequipped) in Sweden, June 12th - June 17th 2012. This is the first time the IPF is offering what is a Raw World level event.

Our Event Location

We are hosting this in Scranton, Pennsylvania. We have state of the art airport, a booming College town, with 4 College / Universities with-in city limits.

Travel Planning

Our Hotel and Event Location
Event Location
Hilton Scranton & Conference Center
100 Adams Avenue,Scranton, Pennsylvania
Phone Number: 1-570-343-3000
$99 Per Night
$5 Shuttle from airport
Book Hilton (Event Venue)

Near-by downtown Hotel Location (walking distance to venue)


700 Lackawanna Avenue, Scranton, PA 18503
(570) 342-8300
$99 Per Night
Book Radisson (2nd hotel)
Special Prom Code: USPOWR

Our event hotels are in downtown Scranto

Our Event T-Shirt - Pre-Order with your entry


No more applications will be accepted

Team Entry (DOC)

Event Hotel

Hiton Downtown Scranton
Event Hotel and Venue -SOLD OUT OF DOUBLES

Near-by downtown Hotel Location (walking distance to venue)

(570) 342-8300
$99 Per Night
Book Radisson (2nd hotel)
Special Prom Code: USPOWR